River Lane Farm and Garden

We are a small urban farm that is home to a small Holland Lop rabbitry. Our rabbitry specializes in Holland Lops bred for show quality.

We are a small-scale hobby farm with a large garden, a flock of chickens, a few ducks and bunnies! Our  Holland lops are bred mainly for show. We have been a member of ARBA since 2016, and showing and breeding Holland lops for 4H since 2011. We are located along the Rum River just north of the Twin Cities in Andover, MN. Our rabbits get regular exercise time, unlimited grass hay, Purina Show pellets, and water, with plenty of attention and toys. We breed our Holland lop bunnies for show type and interact with them daily so that they make wonderful pets, 4H rabbits, or show bunnies for your family. We have recently started breeding for red Holland lops!

Then there is our flock of birds. We have a flock of about 40 chickens, and a couple of ducks, and turkeys. The flock are our pets. We collect eggs when they lay them and are generally amused by their funny personalities.

Visit our website and Facebook page often to keep up with what’s going on around here! Read our pages for information on our bunnies, and our flock.  Also visit our rabbit care page for tips on how to care for your bunny. Check out our for sale page or Facebook Page to see any available animals or apply for our waiting list.

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River Lane Rabbitry

Our Latest Additions to the Rabbitry!

Quartz and Laurel

Quartz and Laurel

Quartz and Laurel had 2 black tort bucks (Oakley and Olive). Quartz also fostered a broken black tort doe from Nova and Journey (Orion). Oakley, Orion, and Olive at 1 week old. Oakley, Orion, and Olive at 2 weeks old.



River Lane's Falcon Solid Black Tort Buck



River Lane's Cardamom Solid Chestnut Buck Out of River Lane's Journey and River Lane's Basil



River Lane's Flicker Broken Black Tort Doe 1 ARBA Leg



Misty Willow's Periwinkle Broken Blue Doe



River Lane's Pinto Broken Blue Tort Doe

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